September 7, 2010

  • one.
    We stopped checking for monsters under our beds
    because we realized they were inside us.

    The problem with fairy tales is that they set a girl up for disappointment. In real life, the prince goes off with the wrong princess. Or the spell wears off and two lovers realize they’re better off.

    I know; we’re complete strangers now. We both pretend like we don’t care, but I can feel the tension as much as you can. I know how to hide my feelings from your piercing stare and no matter what you think, I still miss you.

    You think you’re not pretty, someone is wishing to be as pretty as you. You want more money, people are in poverty. You want a boyfriend, someone doesn’t even have parents. You’re hungry, a child is starving. You want to go to the mall, someone is looking for anything to wear just to stay warm. You’re chilly, others are frozen. You just want to die, most people are striving to live. So don’t waste your time on things that you think you don’t have, because there is always someone out there who needs what you have.

    He looked at me and said, “Do you ever feel like you’re working for something you’re never going to get? You shoot-and-miss kind of deal. Like, no matter what, you can’t have it, but that makes you fight for it just a little bit more?” I looked at him, stared at him for a second, and replied, “Everyday.”

    It is better to get hurt than be numb.

    I swear, I am the biggest over-anylizer that you will ever meet. I think so much about the little things that don’t even mean anything. I guess I’m just looking, looking for something that isn’t there.

    We all have that boy; he’s the boy we try to pretend we aren’t looking for as we make our way to class. He’s the boy that we lie about and claim to not care about anymore. He’s the boy that gives you the cliche butterflies, complete with the weakness in the knees. He’s the boy we’re thinking about as we read this. I think every single girl has this boy, and every single girl will remember him forever – he’s not the one for us, but he’ll always be somewhere in our hearts.

    You may think of me as just another girl in the crowd of many, but I just want you to know that I’m the one girl in that crowd that took a single look at you and fell harder than I ever have fallen in my whole life. Sometimes, I catch myself wondering where you are and how you’re doing. I don’t think I’m ever going to let you go completely.

    I never asked for it to be over. Then again, I never asked for it to begin. Thats the way it is with life, some of the most beautiful days come completely by chance. But even the most beautiful days have their sunsets.

    Nothing can make everything okay after a hard experience, but the simple act of giving a hug can come pretty close.

    Did you ever walk through a room that’s packed with people, and feel so lonely you can hardly take the next step?

    I miss you. Not enough to want you back, but enough for it to hurt.

    She’s a disaster. She loses faith in herself every day. Her life is a mess and she doesn’t even care. No one understands her. And people say stuff to put her down and no one even notices that she might be breaking inside. Or they never notice that maybe she needs a hug from someone. Or someone to sit there with her and listen.

    I don’t want to be just another girl, I want to be different. I want to be the girl that makes you think, challenges you, but loves you at the exact same time. I want to be the girl you can’t get out of your mind, and when you think of me, I want to be the girl that makes all your problems disappear knowing that you don’t have to face them alone.

    People say you have at least five dreams per night. That’s like 30 billion dreams a year. So at least one of those of yours has to be about me.

September 3, 2010

  • one.
    I miss the innocence I had before reality raped me

    Experience is a hard teacher. It gives you the tests first and the lesson comes later.

    I’ve become a real believer in not defining every single thing. Seems like every time
    you think you’ve figured out what something is, it just becomes something else.

    You know that feeling? That feelings as if you’re on top of the world?
    The feeling you get after your first date. The feeling you get after you
     laugh with your best friend. The feeling you get when meeting your idol.
    That’s how life should feel. Everyday.

    I hope you live a life you’re proud of. if you find that you’re not,
    I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

    So do your heart a favor, turn around and leave. It may not
    be what you want but girl its what you need.

September 2, 2010

  • one.
    In that moment, I felt my heart break. And I thought, “I can’t live without you. I don’t want to live without you,” and then it slowly crept into my mind that no matter how bad I wanted, or needed you, it wouldn’t matter.

    Nothing worth having comes easy.

    I sit here and wonder if you will ever understand just how much of me belongs to you.

    I guess that’s what happens in the end. You start thinking about the beginning.

    Sometimes you need a breakdown. One of those yell at everyone, cry until you fall & can`t breathe kind of breakdowns. Then you feel better. & if you don`t at least people will know you`re not okay.

    And just before my head hits the pillow, I’ll think of you. The words you spoke, the way you looked. The things we laughed about, the silences we shared. And just before my heads caught up in a dream, I’ll think of you. And when I dream, I’ll dream of you, ’cause it’s about you, it’s always about you.

    Am I mad at you? That’s your main concern after devastating my whole world? Mad for what? Breaking my heart? Or for all the lies? Maybe for letting me put all my trust in you only to be betrayed? How about the fact you didn’t even have the decency to tell me to my face? Or the way you think it’s crazy that I’m crying over it cause to you breaking up is no big deal. Am I mad at you?… no. More like crushed… did I ever really know you?

    Here’s a big fuck you to the calls I waited for. The dates I hoped for, the love I wanted, the tears I cried and the heart you broke. Asshole.

    Something always brings me back to you. It never takes too long.

August 31, 2010

  • one.
    I am not afraid to take risks, I’m afraid the risk won’t be worth it. We talk like we know what’s going on, but we don’t. We don’t know anything. We’re young and we’re gonna screw-up a lot. We’re gonna keep changing our minds and even sometimes our hearts. Through all that, the only real thing we can offer each other is forgiveness.

    It seems when you want someone, they don’t want you. And when someone wants you, you don’t want them. But, when you both want each other, something has to come around and mess it up.

    I fought for you, I really did. But you just sat there and let me go. That’s what hurts the most, knowing that you meant so much to me, when you didn’t even care to give me a second chance.

August 30, 2010

  • one.

    I get it life, ok? I get that not everything can be great at once. That something has to be a mess. Something MUST go wrong. In no possible way can every piece of my life fit together comfortably for any length of time. I understand that. You’ve taught me this well. But why did you have to take the happiest part? Why did you take my safety, my simple smiles, my heart and my love? You couldn’t have chosen a different part of my world to come crashing down? I mean, I’ll take it. You’ve given me worse. But for once, please just things fall into place. Please?

    You can never make him love you and even if you can, is that the kind of love you are willing to settle for?

    I literally can’t stop shaking, or crying. What the hell is wrong with me? I thought I was done with this, and with him. Goddamnit. I don’t know what to do anymore. Why is it so hard to be done with him?

    And I’m so hurt right now, so upset and disappointed. But it’s not all your fault, no, i blame myself. I shouldn’t have fallen so hard for someone who didn’t care.

    I felt my heart drop into my stomach. When you said you’ve been lying, that’s when I started crying.

    When you start believing you’re invisible, that’s when you should worry.

    Am I ever gonna be enough?

    You’re an asshole, to put it nicely. I want you out of my life but you have made sure that I will forever be reminded of you.

    I don’t have many friends left in this area, they all went away whether it was in body or mind.

    I want to fall into love so deeply that even I am clueless at how I got there.

    You didn’t even lie. No, you just beat around the truth with these nice, cryptic words. If you don’t want to lead me on then please, just let me go.

August 29, 2010

  • one.
    And I don’t understand why people build up high expectations and desires in others. It’s not fair to be led on, teased. Don’t you know it took me months to build this strong wall up? Don’t tear away at my foundation, especially when your motive is empty.

    Time is ticking away. Yes, you’re young. But the years fly. And soon, you’ll be wondering what would have happened if you would have spoken what was inside your heart.

    Before you think of giving up on someone, you have to remember why you are holding on.

    I would trade a thousand tomorrows for just one yesterday. If i went back and told you how much you mattered to me maybe, just maybe, you would still be by my side

    When you’re at the top, remember what if felt like at the bottom. When you’re at the bottom, remember what it felt like at the top.  Good doesn’t last forever. Neither does bad.

    We go to school every day. We learn pointless things, but we are never taught how to love ourselves. We aren’t taught how to make moments last. But I think the most unfair thing, is that at the end of high school, we are tested on something that we were never taught. We have to stand in front of each other and say goodbye.

    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

    High school changes people. Some for the better, some for the worst. But if one thing is true; you find out who your real friends are.

    I can’t really tell if you are really flirting with me, or just being extra friendly.

    Most girls say they want a fairy tale, but you taught me that that’s not really what I want. I want someone who will make fun of me, and laugh at my jokes that aren’t funny. Someone who will wrestle with me, and not let me win just because I’m a girl. Yeah, riding off into the sunset on a white horse would be nice, but playing thumb-war with you seems so much better.

    Fate decides who comes into your life, but its up to you to decide who stays in it.

    I wish you’d just pretend that seeing me hurts. That when you look at me, you can’t help but ignore the lump in your throat. But no, without me, you look… happy.

    Beware of the thoughts that come at night.

    You broke down all of my walls. I let you in further than I ever let anyone else. And now, it’s time to rebuild them. One day I’ll find someone who’s really worth breaking them down.

    I know that I should probably hurt so bad but I can’t feel a thing. I know that I should probably say something but I can barely breathe. And I’m sorry if I’m giving up too easy, I just don’t have the strength to fight any more.

August 28, 2010

  • one.

    And I know it’s tough to reconsider what you thought was love.

    He’s the guy that I so desperately try to push out of my head while at the same time cling to our memories with all my might. He’s the guy that I hate because I love him and I love him because I hate him. He’s the guy that no matter what he does to himself or to me, I’ll always love him. I knew him really well at one point, then he got lost, I tried finding him, but realized he’s got to find his own way back. Back to me? Maybe. I keep hoping that this will be my romantic love story, happy ending and all. But sadly I’m preparing myself, my heart, for yet another disappointment.

    Time doesn’t heal the pain. It just gives you… well, time. Time to push it to the back of your mind and time to learn how to deal with it. But the pain, it stays.

August 27, 2010

  • one.
    I’m not looking to fall in love. I’m not even necessarily looking for a boyfriend right now. All I really want is to find a nice, good guy I can text late at night, joke around with, and be stupid with. Someone who likes the same music as me, someone I can easily talk to, someone I can be my total self around and not mind at all. A guy I can waste friday nights with, laugh with, and have fun with. Someone who’s not perfect, but understands me, you know? Is that really too much to ask for?

    It’s not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen  in the future. It’s about the ride. & you know what? When you least expect it, something great might come along. Something better than you ever planned for.

    He’s that guy that you’d want to hang out with even if you weren’t dating him, and he’s cute in that kinda way that’s sorta like…you know in the movies, that guy you want the girl to end up with that everybody pretends isn’t cute, but really is.

    Now I understand why some people get themselves drunk. It’s not because they just want to get wasted but because they want to escape each killing moment they spent every fucking night thinking about what’s happening with their damn life. Of course they don’t forget their problems. At least they don’t spend the night crying themselves to sleep.

August 26, 2010

  • one.

    Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything. It just messes with your mind and steals your happiness.

    It’s not even you that I really want back, it’s the pieces of me you took with you when you left. When I lost you I didn’t know I would lose me too.

    Sometimes you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and where you want to be.

August 25, 2010

  • one.
    And at the end of the day, all we really want is to be close to somebody.

    Sometimes she thinks she’s strong. Sometimes she thinks she’s gone,
    past the point of feeling anything at all. Sometimes she’s sure she’s crazy.
    Sometimes she feels like maybe the only way to survive is to stay angry.

    Blink if you want me.

    I am made of one hundred percent flaws, and I can promise there
    is not one ounce of perfection in me. but, good intentions hold me

    together, and I hope that counts for something.

    One moment can change your mind, one look can change your heart,

    & one person can change your destiny.